International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
2021, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
A randomised controlled trail to evaluate the effect of birthing ball exercises on the maternal outcome during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers admitted in labour of selected C.H.C. Katgoraha, Korba (C.G.)
Vinita Jhariya
Background of study: Birthing ball is originally developed in and it is used as a physical therapy for the neurodevelopment treatment. It was introduced as a childbirth tool in 1980 by Perez and Simkin, Perez in 2001 stated that the birthing ball was physically beneficial use during pregnancy and labor by producing optimal positioning and pain reduction during contraction while eliciting non habitual movement.
Objective:- To assess the maternal outcome of the first stage of labor among primigravida mothers after birthing ball exercise experimental group, To assess the maternal outcome of the first stage of labor among primigravida mothers of control group,To find out the effectiveness of birthing ball exercise on maternal out come among in experimental group,To compare the maternal outcome of the first stage of labor between experimental and control group, To find out the association between experimental group of the primigravida mothers with their selected demographic variables.
Result: Birth ball exercise was found to be effective in reducing labour pain and improving vaginal births among women in labour, so this new practice was chosen as the topic of this dissertation. In this paper, an EBP clinical guideline of birth ball exercise program was developed according to critical appraisal of seven selected studies. The transferability, feasibility and cost-benefit ratio of the programme was fully examined to be worth while and practical to set up in target labour room. In addition, communication plans among different stakeholders, pilot testing of the guideline and evaluation plan of the program were outlined in details to facilitate clinical implementation in the target setting.
Conclusion : In summary. It is proposed that this translational research can provide recommendations for midwives to enhance women in using the birth ball for labour pain management effectively and safely.
Vinita Jhariya. A randomised controlled trail to evaluate the effect of birthing ball exercises on the maternal outcome during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers admitted in labour of selected C.H.C. Katgoraha, Korba (C.G.). Int J Obstetrics Gynaecological Nurs 2021;3(1):33-35. DOI: 10.33545/26642298.2021.v3.i1a.63