International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding hemorrhage in early pregnancy and its management among staff nurses working in selected hospitals, Bangalore
Renuka Naikar and Chandrakala Biradar
Reproductive Health is defined as People have the ability to reproduce and regulate their fertility, women are able to go through pregnancy and child birth safely, the outcome of pregnancies is successful in terms of maternal and infant survival and wellbeing and couples are able to have sexual relations free of fear of pregnancy and of contracting diseases.
Objectives of maternal and child health are to reduce maternal, infant and childhood mortality and morbidity, to reduce perinatal and neonatal mortality and morbidity, Promoting satisfying and safe sex life, Regulate fertility so as to have wanted and healthy children when desired, Provide basic maternal and child Health Care to all mothers and children, Promote and protect health of mothers to promote reproductive health and to promote physical and psychological development of children and adolescents within the family.
The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding Hemorrhage in early pregnancy and its management among staff nurses working in selected hospitals, Bangalore.
Methods: Pre-experimental, one group pre-test post-test design and convenient sampling method was used. Information was collected from 50 staff nurses regarding knowledge on hemorrhage in early pregnancy & its management by using the structured knowledge questionnaire. STP was implemented and post-test was conducted after 7 days to find the effectiveness.
Results: The overall pretest mean knowledge was found to be 52.85% with standard deviation of 2.60 In aspect wise pre-test knowledge of respondents regarding hemorrhage in early pregnancy & its management the highest mean percentage was seen in the aspect of haemorrhage in early pregnancy & its management 54.33%, followed by 54% in General information on pregnancy, pregnancy complications 52% &minor disorder of pregnancy 50.25%. The overall posttest mean knowledge was found to be 82.9% with standard deviation of 2.75. The aspect wise posttest knowledge of respondents regarding hemorrhage in early pregnancy & its management, the highest mean 87.5% was seen in the aspect of haemorrhage in early pregnancy & its management, General information on pregnancy with 82% and minor disorder of pregnancy was found 78.25
Interpretation and Conclusion: Overall findings showed that pre-test knowledge scores regarding deep breathing exercises and incentive spirometry were found to be 52.32% and after STP the posttest knowledge scores of COPD patients was found to be 81.29% which is enhanced by 28.97%. Hence the result has proved that STP was effective in improving the knowledge of COPD patients regarding deep breathing exercises and incentive spirometry. Overall pretest and posttest mean practice score on deep breathing exercise and incentive spirometry with pretest mean 54.67% and posttest mean 88.44%.The enhancement in practice score was 33.77%.
Renuka Naikar, Chandrakala Biradar. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding hemorrhage in early pregnancy and its management among staff nurses working in selected hospitals, Bangalore. Int J Obstetrics Gynaecological Nurs 2023;5(1):13-21. DOI: 10.33545/26642298.2023.v5.i1a.101