International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding lamaze technique among antenatal mothers in selected maternity hospitals Bangalore
Geeta KM, Dr. Sukanya and Devi Nanjappan
Objectives of the study
1)To assess the existing knowledge regarding Lamaze technique among antenatal mothers in selected maternity hospitals at Bangalore.
2)To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding Lamaze technique among antenatal mothers in selected maternity hospitals at Bangalore.
3)To find an association between post-test knowledge scores regarding Lamaze technique and selected socio-demographic variables among antenatal mothers in selected hospitals at Bangalore.
Method: Evaluative approach is adopted for this study as its aim is to test the hypothesis that establishes a relationship between Lamaze technique and reduction in labour pain. A pilot study was conducted with six samples in the selected hospital to refine the methodology and to find the feasibility of the study. The setting of the study is selected tertiary care hospital, Bangalore. The main study samples were about 60 in number. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to select the samples. Research design adopted for this study was pre-experimental, one group pre-test post-test design. Lamaze technique which includes Lamaze breathing techniques, partner massage, imagery and visualization, pushing techniques, focal point imagery, movements and relaxation techniques was given to the antenatal mothers. An opinionative on Lamaze technique was administered after the delivery process among antenatal mothers.
Result: The overall mean percentage knowledge score in the pre-test and post-test were 27.5% and 87.60%, respectively. Enhancements in mean percentage score were found to be 60.1%. The statistical paired‘t’ test indicates that enhancement in the mean percentage knowledge score was found to be significant at 0.05 level for all the aspects under study. The association found to be partly significant between post-test knowledge scores and selected socio-demographic variables at 0.05 level (p<0.05).
Intrepretation and Conclusion: The data was analyzed by applying Descriptive and Inferential statistics. The study findings suggested that structured teaching programme is an effective instructional method in improving the knowledge regarding Lamaze technique among antenatal mothers.
H1: The mean post-test-knowledge score among antenatal mothers regarding importance of Lamaze technique will be significantly higher than their pre-test knowledge score.
H2: There will be significant association between post-test knowledge score and selected socio-demographic variables among antenatal mothers regarding importance of Lamaze technique.
Geeta KM, Dr. Sukanya, Devi Nanjappan. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding lamaze technique among antenatal mothers in selected maternity hospitals Bangalore. Int J Obstetrics Gynaecological Nurs 2023;5(1):39-43. DOI: 10.33545/26642298.2023.v5.i1a.104