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International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-2298, E-ISSN: 2664-2301
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
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International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
2024, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part B
Effect of awareness program on knowledge regarding birth preparedness & complication readiness among the primigravida women in a selected rural community, Murshidabad, West Bengal

Aditi Dalai and Chaitali Biswas

Aim: To assess the pre-test & post-test level of knowledge regarding birth preparedness & complication readiness among the primigravida women; assess the effect of an awareness program on knowledge regarding birth preparedness & complication readiness among primigravida women and to find out the association of pretest knowledge score regarding birth preparedness & complication readiness with selected demographic characteristics of primigravida women.
Design: "Quasi-experimental one group Pre-test-post-test research design"
Methods: CIPP (Context input process product) model was used to assess the effect of awareness program on knowledge regarding birth preparedness and complication readiness among the primigravida women. In this present study, a total of two blocks (Beldanga I and II) were selected by a simple random sampling method under Berhampore Sadar subdivision of Murshidabad district, West Bengal. From two Block Primary Health centers 18 subcentres were selected randomly (from each block 9 subcentres) by cluster sampling technique. A total of 198 primigravida women were selected under Beldanga Block Primary Health Centre & Saktipur Block Primary Health Centre.
Results: Majority 57.23% of the primigravida women were within the age group between 19-24 years of age group. Most of the 49.34% primigravida women had primary education. Most of the primigravida women 73.03% had a monthly income of 5000-24000 Rs. Majority 51.97% of primigravida women were within the gestational age of between 28-32 weeks of gestation. Majority of 51.98% of the primigravida women had average knowledge & most of the 48.02% primigravida women had poor knowledge in the pretest on birth preparedness and complication readiness in Pretest level of knowledge. In Post-test level of knowledge, after the implementation of awareness program on birth preparedness and complication readiness, the majority 79.61% had average knowledge & most 20.39% of the primigravida women had good knowledge in the post-test. The calculated t value was 37.17 at df (151) at 0.05 level of significance higher than the tabulated t value of 1.96 at df (151) at 0.05 level of significance. There was a statistically significant association between the pretest knowledge score with the educational qualification and monthly family income of primigravida women at 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusions: The awareness program was effective enough for gaining knowledge.
Pages : 93-100 | 191 Views | 82 Downloads

International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
How to cite this article:
Aditi Dalai, Chaitali Biswas. Effect of awareness program on knowledge regarding birth preparedness & complication readiness among the primigravida women in a selected rural community, Murshidabad, West Bengal. Int J Obstetrics Gynaecological Nurs 2024;6(2):93-100. DOI: 10.33545/26642298.2024.v6.i2b.164
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