International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing
2024, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part B
The effects of spinning babies® on nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (NTSV) cesarean rates: A clinical trial
Bridget Funk
This research sought to understand the relationship that continuous labor support and the Spinning Babies® program could make on decreasing the NTSV Cesarean rates at a metropolitan hospital. A quasi-experimental research design examined the self-efficacy labor support and NTSV rates of individual nurses for 12 months before implementation of the Spinning Babies® program and for one year following the intervention. All women admitted to the labor and delivery unit, expressing a desire to have a vaginal delivery were included in the research and offered the Spinning Babies® model of care. A paired samples t-test was conducted on all pre and post intervention data, including individualized NTSV cesarean rates and perceived self-efficacy in providing appropriate care to laboring mothers. Statistically significant results (p=<.001) were displayed for individual nursing NTSV Cesarean rates and for individual nurses and their perceived self-efficacy in providing support for their laboring mothers.